Restorative Justice
Education Series

If you're looking for a tangible way to build relationships and channels of communication before problems arise with both students and colleagues, this Restorative Justice in Education series of professional learning is designed just for you.

You will learn specific strategies to use every day as well as how to build a powerful framework to not only address problems when they do arise, but build in a process for accountability and healing for all parties.

Let’s Explore Restorative Justice Education

Make Restorative Language

This course is the prerequisite for all of ESSDACK’s RJed trainings.

Let’s dive into what Restorative Justice Education looks like, sounds like, and feels like in your school and classroom. We will look at the core value and principles of Restorative Justice Ed including spending time understanding the social distance window, Power With, and Restorative Practices.

“The underlying premise of restorative practices is that people are happier, more cooperative, more productive and more likely to make positive changes when those in positions of authority do things with them rather than to them or for them.”
(The Restorative Practice Handbook, Costello and Wachtel)

This course includes:

  • 30 mins pre-work (on ESSDACK Online)

  • Two-hour live training + discussion (Live on Zoom)

  • One-hour post-work (on ESSDACK Online)

“If Human relationships are best and healthiest when there is free expression of affect, minimizing the negative, maximizing the positive, but allowing for free expression. Then Restorative processes provide a safe environment for people to express and exchange emotion.”

This course includes:

  • 30 mins Pre-work (on ESSDACK Online)

  • Two hour Live Training + Discussion (Live on Zoom)

  • 30 mins Post-work (on Teachable)

  • 30 min Coaching (Live on Zoom-you pick date and time)

Prerequisite: Let’s Explore Restorative Justice Education

Pairing Relationship & Building with Classroom Content: Curricular Circles and Social / Emotional Learning Circles

Getting to Know You: Relationship-Building Circles

Let’s walk through how we can build circles around classroom content. What are the benefits of this approach? How can we engage students in their learning through a circle discussion? We will also take a look at SEL circles, often used during Morning Meeting time, and see what pieces are we missing, what are we overusing, and how can we create SEL circles that have a strong relationships center.

“One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feeling. The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child.”
Carl Jung

This course includes:

  • 30 mins Pre-work (on Teachable)

  • Two hour Live Training + Discussion (Live on Zoom)

  • 30 mins post work to create SEL or Curriculum circle outline (on ESSDACK Online)

  • 30 mins Implement circle

  • One Hour Coaching (via Zoom) to go over how your Circle went and next steps

  • Additional Coaching available $100 an hour

Let’s Explore Restorative Justice Education

We will walk through the Five W’s of Circles and focus on creating Relationship Building Circles. We will experience how Circles can help build authentic relationships! When we talk about Relationship Building Circles, overarching goals could be:

  • Promoting peace within a community or classroom

  • Establishing classroom norms

  • Building or strengthening community

  • Making decisions, checking in, welcoming someone back to the classroom, or welcoming a new member to the classroom

This course includes:

  • 30 mins pre-work (on ESSDACK Online)

  • Two hour live training + Discussion (Live on Zoom)

  • 30 mins post work to create Circle outline (on ESSDACK Online)

  • 30 mins Implement Circle (in your classroom!)

  • One hour Coaching (via Zoom) to go over how the Circle went and next steps

  • Additional Coaching available $100 an hour

Let’s Explore Restorative Justice Education